First let us share that more than just Cathy & I are about to rock almost every corner of the Jaws Fan Community with NEWS that is almost COSMIC in scale! This news may be releasing as soon as days, maybe even next week. All corners of known Jawsdom will feel the impact.
Secondly, in addition to said coming news, we would like to now reveal just what Top-Secret activity that we have been up to these last few years in order to be able to SLASH PRICES on ALL SHARKS beginning in 2019!! For the last few years we have worked pretty much every single day towards one single-minded goal. This being the ability to kind of semi-retire while still supplying shark collectibles. In a nutshell, over the last 9 years we have purchased, renovated and flipped multiple fixer-uppers. And starting just a few days after wrapping our part of pre-production for providing Practical FX Sharks for a feature film releasing summer 2019 we again packed up our belongings and workshops/storage buildings and moved away from Texas. We now live only a few miles down the road from Cathy's parents in BEAUTIFUL North Carolina. Incidentally they are our newest sharkcityozark help when needed! Everyone please welcome Jerry & Sherry. Also, they happen to be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this week too friends!☺! So back to the point, our logic of the matter I am explaining is this. When you create and mass produce products you have to factor in ALL expenses. When it costs months and months of invested labor and thousands of dollars in development and materials to release a Bruce Shark product then you can't just sell them for $5 each or you go broke. So, you add up investment + labor + materials and arrive at what you must sell each shark for to earn a living from your work. EVERYTHING about creating and providing our Bruce Shark Collectibles is expensive. We purchase boxes and bubble wrap by the truckloads here. Palettes and pallets of boxes. Thousands of feet of tape. Bubble-wrap rolls as big as a car! What we have accomplished over the last decade, by the Grace & Mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ and some good old fashioned elbow grease, via restoring and flipping houses + 6 Film-Credits, + Shark Sales - - - is to ELIMINATE one of the TOP EXPENSES in producing Bruce Sharks. As of 2 weeks ago we can now live DEBT-FREE! We now own where we live! So no longer do we have to figure in HUGE mortgage payments into our monthly survival budget price per shark! Bottom line for EVERYONE is that we can now DROP PRICES on ALL BRUCE SHARKS starting 2019!!! We still have to earn a living. We still spend MANY thousands of dollars monthly on materials. Everything still takes time for us to create from scratch and provide, but now we can do so far more affordably! CONGRATULATIONS EVERYONE, WE ALL GET A RAISE!!! The only drawback folks is that our new home, workshops and storage facilities are a mega-serious set of FIXERUPPERS left sitting vacant since early 2015. To summarize, this is our second week living here and only now do we finally have power, heat, and for short periods of time, water to most areas. We have a great deal of repair work to do before we can live here normally instead of under these “camping” conditions. Rest assured the delay on the release of our ALL NEW 2 & 3 foot long Bruce Shark products looks to be only a matter of weeks or less from today. A small delay for a HUGE win-win for everyone. We will lose out on the Holiday sales for the first time in 11 years, but this chance to live debt free and be able to SLASH ALL OF OUR FUTURE PRICES will more than make up for our losses in the long run. But wait there's more. Don't forget there is another IMPEDING STELLAR NEWS RELEASE about to hit all Jaws Fandom. Don't stray too far from your favorite social media Jaws Fan page, you really don't want to be late to the party for what's about to be shared next. Thank you friends, Mike & Cathy Schultz SCO
As advertised for a long time now we have some most EXCELLENT New products FINALLY releasing. From the ALL NEW Open Sided Bruce Shark[s] promised since 2016 [in 2 scales], to the ALL NEW 3 Foot FULL ATTACK POSE Bruce and Meg-White Sharks!
-- As reported earlier we were delayed this year with a floating schedule change moving up our Practical FX work for a feature Shark film releasing Summer 2019! Also, we promised info on the BIGGEST SURPRISE of all, our ALL NEW LOWER PRICES combined with our ALL NEW 2019 dozen new Bruce & Sequel Shark products on mechanical arm display stands. ** Can some of you out there PLEASE remind us all how long we have been advertising the All New Open Sided Bruce Sharks? - The primary reason for our 2 month delay in revealing this information about our new lower prices is actually the full reason how we are able to LOWER our shark prices in 2019! Everyone will see soon enough. This is to be the MOST EXCITING detail of our next post. Coming up soon. You guys will love it. What's not to love? All New Sharks, All New LOWER prices, another FX film credit..... Things just keep getting better and better and better and better☺☺☺ Stay Tuned friends! "Well, he’s finally arrived after a week in UK customs! Thank you SO much Mike V. Schultz and your wife Cathy for such a piece of absolute awesomeness (Jawsomeness actually) It’s fantastic that you guys made this possible. This will be my most treasured piece of Jaws memorabilia. He’s perfect in every way and worth every penny. These photos don’t even do him full justice (so much better in the flesh and a real sight to behold) Now all I need is my Quint model to go with him (hopefully scale) a couple of barrels (just ordered) and another Jaws poster as a backdrop (on its way).
Stunning!! Every Jaws finatic should have one of these." Thank you Mark! Your display looks incredible!! Cathy & I are just this very minute off the phone with our lawyer. She had GREAT news for us. We'll know more details in a few days time. But I can now share that we are just about to close the first of two deals that will permit us to pass EXCELLENT $avings onto ALL our new customers involving ALL our soon to be added All New Bruce Shark products!
>>> BOOM! <<< We started these things into motion back in February of this year. And it has been many months of personal sacrifice, copious amounts of investment and many extra long hours and days of labor for these things to start to come to pass beginning now. We are dying to share the changes happening to our family business with the world. We were just told "soon"☺. This effectively moves the release dates to some of our All New 2 & 3 foot long sharks on Mechanical Arm Display Stands. These, as well as ALL our other promised products may be able to release SOONER than hoped for☺! Also we will be closing the production runs on both the 2017-2018 - 3 foot Tow-Sled and Platform sharks soon. I was able to mend the 2017-2018 Platform Shark mold and get a few more good looking units cast up. All 6 of the previous extra-castings I posted offering were sold. I now have a few more, and maybe a chance at a few more after if I am careful enough, but I sincerely doubt the mold will hold for more than a few to be honest. And we only will sell good quality castings to be built up. * So, those that wanted their very own customized 2017-2018 3 foot long Platform or Tow-Sled Shark must get one, or start an Interest-Free Flex Pay asap BEFORE we end the runs out. We do not mean to be so cryptic and vague as to our impending good news. But the future of sharkcityozark has not only gotten brighter, and expanded, but will also benefit more fans than ever before. AND SOON!☺ PS, here's two COOL shark photos to share with you all that I found surfing last night! Hi everyone, this is Cathy!
It’s been a BUSY Summer! We recently completed our part of providing practical FX for our 6th film credit due out in Summer 2019 -- Photos of those mechanical sharks as soon as we are permitted. Now Mike & I would like to catch everyone up with our plans for new releases! 1] We have again re-invested a tremendous amount of time & money into learning even better production methods and have spent this year successfully incorporating them to keep prices DOWN. Hard to believe that it was way back in 2006 when SideShow Collectibles released their Jaws-styled shark for $280 + $60 shipping. Here we are at SCO over 10 years (and thousands of sharks later) keeping our prices at these old-school rates! One EXCITING method to save EVERYONE TONS of $$$ we will share soon!☺ It is SUBSTANTIAL! 2] Next, we've labored all year to SURPASS ALL of our previous works with these newest sharks - And we sure did. Those that have patiently waited for our All New Fine-Scale sharks will be in for the most stellar pay-off imaginable. Simply nothing Bruce that has ever released is as stunning, as historically accurate, as incredibly detailed, nor as affordable per scale-inch!☺ We were once limited by what reference materials we had to measure from to create our first 2009 NTT Bruce Shark. Thankfully this is no longer a problem since two of the actual creators of the real JAWS Sharks became family friends. * As you all know it was Joe Alves himself that gave us the “Bruce Shark” product-name to freely use for our ORIGINAL Shark products in a phone-call, way back in 2007. Now that's brag-worthy!☺ And it has been Cal Acord and his exhaustive kindness[es] that have helped us get the Tow Sled Bruce Sharks perfected. Mike and I believe that we have the single largest repository of Bruce & Brucette reference materials around. Which is reflected in our soon to be released All New fine-scale 2 & 3-foot long sharks. As well as the FULL LENGTH 1/6 BRUCE SHARK coming out☺☺☺! Not to mention our ALL NEW OPEN SIDED SHARK[S]! 3] Lastly friends, we have labored every day all decade to maintain our solid-gold business name & original Bruce Shark product's superior “everything” over the strangeness that is “team copy-cat’s” knock-off attempts. Incredibly you still see their shameless pirating of our established “Bruce Shark” name. 🙄 Classy... In closing, we FINALLY get the JOY to REWARD all those good friends and fans that knew to simply wait until we wrapped filming for our already PROMISED All New Sharks. Those that held out for superior quality, originality, integrity, and a better price get to reap the rewards☺. Those that wanted to support piracy got what they wanted also. A win-win for all. To be plain & honest I think we are about to make more than a few collectors cry, most with joy. We thank you for your continual support and encouragements☺. Cathy Schultz All October orders are either shipped or in the final stages of being completed for Cathy to pack & ship out over the next 5-8 days. Keep a close eye on your emails October customers☺!
Also: Still trying to squeeze in all the work needed to release the All New 2 & 3 foot sharks. There are photoshoots, write-ups, web content creation etc all.. An honest word of warning though; this late in the year we will only have the time to complete and ship about 30 to maybe 50-ish more sharks, maximum. So when we put them up for Sale we will remind that we there are only so many hours in each day, and days in each week left for just Cathy & I to be able make and to ship so many Paid in Full Sharks by approximately the middle of December. So PLEASE be ready when we Release IF you must have one for Christmas. Also: We have exciting news about to release. So much news in fact that we will have to split it up over the course of the week. So keep an eye out. Lastly: The following Entirely All New Sharks are about to be released if not for sale then at least for Pre-Order: 1] All NEW 3 Foot FULL ATTACK Pose Extreme-Detail Bruce 2] All New 2 foot Epic Class High-Detail Bruce Shark 3] All New 2 foot Epic Class High-Detail ScarFace Brucette 4] All New 2 foot Epic Class High-Detail 3D Bruce & Baby 5] All New 2 foot Epic Class High-Detail Revenge Bruce * The Above Epic Class Bruce Sharks Shipping with Mechanical Arm Display Stands! 6] The LONG Awaited All New Open Sided Bruce Shark[s]!! 7] The All New Full Attack Pose Megalodon White Shark 8] The ALL NEW MASSIVE Full Length 1/6 Scale Bruce Shark 9] The All New Life Sized White Shark Bust 10] The FINCREDIBLE All New, COMPLETE Set OF ALL Bruce & Sequel Shark's Teeth! Cast from screen used teeth BTW☺. 11] 3 All New SCO ORIGINAL Display Stands 12] *2* SURPRISES Sure to blow EVERYONE's Minds! And to boot, and to ready everyone for our next post, we will have ALL NEW PRICES that will be LOWER THAN EVER for the new sharks☺!! You, my friends are welcome! More details to follow through the week. In the words of our favorite TV detective... "Oh, one more thing"..... I was only able to get 6 EXTRA 2018-Edition 3 foot long Platform Bruce Sharks from the molds before a small tear developed. Those that want ONE LAST CHANCE at owning one of these 2018 Platform Sharks for life needs to order before word gets around and they are snatched up. The other shark molds are in good shape as of this writing. My day is only half over, and there is work to be done. Cathy & I Thank you friends.☺ We've enjoyed the high honor of providing Custom Bruce Sharks globally now for over 6000 of you good Happy Customers since just before 2008!☺ What an adventure so far! Before Shark City Ozark only SideShow collectibles had tried to mass provide the fan public with professional full length Jaws Shark replicas.
We came later in 2006-2007 & started the fire for providing ORIGINAL & Historically-Accurate *Fine-Scale-measured model displays of the different Bruce & Sequel sharks. SideShow's shark was cool but not scale accurate to the filming sharks, and nothing fine scale accurate had ever been provided collectors before. That's what we worked to provide. Then we started sharkcityozark online after selling out of our Original 3 foot long NTT Bruce Sharks. You all remember them from 2010 sold on our Originally created wood display stands, packed with scale accessories, with the scale yellow barrels. Later from 2011-2017 we provided ALL of the Jaws & Sequel sharks in the 25 inch scale, and then came the HUGE 1:6 Bruce & Sequel Shark Busts too. And what a dream come true to have enjoyed the close support and guidance from the very men that made and maintained the real Jaws sharks such as Joe Alves and Cal Acord. Great thanks still to these fellow Industry FX Giants, and their support. As you all know, thanks to Cal we got the intrinsic differences for our original 3 foot long Tow Sled Bruce Shark perfectly scale accurate. What a whirlwind journey it has been providing over 47 completely different types of Bruce, Sequel and Real Life Shark products and accessories globally all decade. Fincredibly these services even won us our start in providing Practical Mechanical Shark & Creature FX for Films and cable. We just had the honor of wrapping our part providing Practical FX for a major film release, our 6th film credit to date! We now enjoy friendships with over 9000 fellow Industry Artists thanks in large part to all of this. Because of Jaws and the men that worked the films. Because of friends and fans worldwide. Because we created original works and did not pirate other artists designs. And that WONDERFUL Original Product Name >Bruce Shark< was actually gifted directly to us one day back in 2007 by Joe Alves himself when he called us to talk Jaws! His idea just simply handed right to us to use as we please. His brainstorm, his genius. What an incredible man. Thank you Joe, thank you Cal and thank you all our friends and Happy Customers. We're still "in sharks' thank in larger part to you all. And busier than ever. We have just had to add on to our workshop and storage for the upcoming 12 All New ORIGINAL Shark products about to release☺! Originality, and the right people is what made Jaws a sensation. It still works today. More than that shark is still working my friends☺. Thank you all. Mike & Cathy Schultz sharkcityozark Such a pretty day here today that Cathy & I decided to move our workday out from the main shop into the big ventilated Painting-Tent out by the storage trailers!
Looks like we are more ahead on finishing August's end of month orders than we thought too☺! Although we still have to cast and assemble the rest of the 3 foot sharks, 1:6 Bruce Busts, make stands and accessories etc, we are THRILLED to report that we indeed are on track to possibly ship out ALL end-of-August orders sometime next week. So maybe our previous post about being late this month was a tad premature☺. We shall see. SHWOOO! Cathy & I look forward to ADDING the >> DOZEN-ish << ALL NEW Shark products to our Online catalog soon after. About a dozen NEW Sharks plus some ALL NEW fine-scale ACCESSORIES to reveal. >> SOON <<☺! Thank you Friends. Mike & Cathy With respect and regret I post today to inform that Cathy & I are in fact running behind schedule for the last few dozen August shark orders. Looks like we are just about a full work-week behind where we wanted to be in delivering these end of August orders. All Japan orders have been filled and shipped out already. August's USA, UK, Poland, Italy and Ukraine orders are being worked on still.
I take the blame as it looks like I simply just tried to bite off more than we could chew for August. Sales are at an all time high right now, and we thought we could juggle everything and everybody. But I was wrong. Even though this is, I think, the first time in 2018 that we have not delivered EARLY on anything; Cathy & I are agreed to make sure that all end of August customers whose sharks will be delivered either on time or a few days late will be provided a FREE "thank you for your patient waiting surprise gift". As you all know our motto these last ten years has been to almost always surprise with EARLY DELIVERY. Which we have done so for an incredible perhaps 99% of all customers, all decade. This also delays our release of the dozen ALL New Bruce & Sequel Shark products we have been posting about by the same amount of time. Paid in Full customers must come first before we add to our catalog. Once we are up to speed we will then regroup and pour ourselves into fulfilling our previously posted about and promised releases, September orders and private commissions. More info as we can. Thank you friends J Rattus Hewitt is at it AGAIN!
He's got that Right Stuff when it comes to collecting, displaying and photographing. Especially when it comes to Jaws and ESPECIALLY our Sharks no less! Excellent shutterbug powers! Thank you for the share John Rattus☺! By way of UPDATE: We are still working feverishly to not only ship ALL August sharks early, but will be diving right back in when these are done to deliver on September Sharks as early as possible too. All these extra efforts for the sole reason of being able to devote our time fully to finally RELEASING our Incredible ALL NEW Shark products into our growing 2018 Online Catalog. --- >SOON< ---- ...….is the answer for when you will see and be able to order the FINCREDIBLE All New Epic Bruce & Sequel Collector Set Sharks; all 5 of them, ALL NEW MODELS! Not to mention our All New 3 foot long Full Attack pose Megalodon Great White Shark! And the All New ½ scale Bruce Shark Dorsal Fin! And the All New Open Sided Bruce Sharks! And the All new Breaching Water with barrels Bruce! And the All new Bruce Shark Display Teeth! Plus quite a few as yet unmentioned surprises that we cooked up and finalized before we devoted ourselves to the Practical FX sharks for our last film credit [#6]. More info and reveals soon. First we must finish the work to fill orders for our patient August customers☺. Cathy & I thank you friends |
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December 2024