Alrighty here we go!
Those with paid in full 3-foot sharks and paid in full Ultimate Bruce Sharks that are due or within a month of coming due should keep a close eye on their emails for notification from Cathy that their shark is completed and ready to ship once shipping fees are settled! How’s that for being 45 days ahead of schedule again for the most part for 3 months in a row?! AHEAD! Our history has been on time or slightly ahead but finally we are really making even better strides in customer satisfaction! If we can keep this pace up then we will drop our wait-list times down from the current 90 days, perhaps back down to 30 to 45 days once again. Imminent upcoming releases are the nearly completed all new 3-Foot long Bruce Tow Sled Shark and the 1/2 scale Dorsal Fin. Just so you all know, the 1/2 scale dorsal fin is actually life-sized for a real life mature Great White Shark! The Sled Shark is still on time and with the guiding hand of none other than the man who ran the real film shark, Cal Acord, we have surpassed all our goals for this incredibly amazing never been done before piece of movie magic history. Never before had anyone dared attempt what these great FX men made possible. I dare say had they not done it back then, then our modern favorite films today would not be anything like they have been. And finally after these two huge offerings are released we want to proceed with the next sequel shark in the 25-inch long Ultimate Bruce shark Collector’s set which of course is the eagerly awaited Bruce 3D. For these smaller offerings we must have ample time to fill the tsunami of orders that follow their release as well as larger items to help offset the smaller items high costs and labor expenses. Thus our timing of the 3D shark’s release. As we have answered in nearly a hundred repeat emails and on FaceBook postings over the last few months, the Bruce 3D we have delayed due to the 3 films that we provided FX for last year and the two that are in pre-production so far this year. As you know the filmwork and private commissions are the backbone of our business and all else including meals, sleeping, and providing collectibles revolves around them. So far, as we have reported in our previous 2014 updates, we are still fully on track for everything that we wanted to offer. Actually with maintaining a 30 day minimum lead on shipping our paid-in-full sharks we have been able to slowly work our way ahead of schedule to co-release the 1/2 scale Dorsal fin along with the Sled and Bruce 3D shark items. We like to surprise ourselves like this! Our goals for the rest of the year, should our schedule remain this stable, are to release the final Ultimate Bruce Shark Collector’s set piece, The Ultimate Revenge Bruce Shark and a full-scale Dorsal Fin recreation based on a copy of one of the actual props! We also want to finally release the full-length 1/6 scale Bruce Shark as well, whose titanic proportions make it a hair over 54-inches long! We have wanted to since we provided FX for SyFy’s Ghost Shark, but too many other commissions and orders have not permitted us the spare time to gear-up such a huge set of molds and their dedicated shop-space until recently. Also we are releasing that we will no longer hold back releasing our prototypes due to others releasing their artistic offerings. We are simply going to start opening up our storage of prototypes for pre-order as long as we foresee the ample time needed to fill their orders for each release. In times past we have withheld releasing items as others beat us to releasing exactly what we were advertising. Great minds think alike is all I can say, and if someone else releases something similar to our products either before or after us than good luck to you and may the fans have a joyously hard time deciding which to collect. My fear was once of upsetting or stepping on the toes of other good artists. I release today that we will release what we want to release and when we want to release it from now on regardless of any other artist or organizations and their plans. No other artist upsets me when they release a shark, and shark‘s are not copyrighted. Example; I love Paul McPhee’s art, and he’s been a good friend to us. Some other people have not lived up to Paul’s appreciation and kindness towards us and our products. Others have released busts and small sharks and have succeeded or failed on their own. 99% of fans and artists are so very kind and cool to socialize with but there is that volatile and jealous 1% that causes strife. This part of my message is that we are gearing up to release more sharks than ever for our sake and the sake of the 99%. As far as the future is concerned if you would like a taste of what is literally in the works right now then just know that 1/2 and 1:1 scale does figure very, very heavily in the near future! And if this is not ‘Wow-Factor’ enough, then just know that one of our deepest held secrets will be found out soon enough, and boy is this one going to shock and hopefully thrill more than just our movie-shark fan communities! That’s all I am saying at this time. Many continue in their kind sharing of our photos all over social media and in forums and bringing us new orders and we thank you. Thank you all so very much for your kind emails, your overjoyed reviews on forums and collector blogs and for honestly advertising how cool these sharks really are for us. Thank you! Every sale helps make every future product more affordable and possible. We love being this busy all the time and pray it stays this way! Have an Awesome day friends, we thank our customers for their kindness and continued appreciations and support. Mike & Cathy
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Mike V. SchultzOn The Bench... Archives
December 2024