I may just find the time to mold the first of the 2 different All New Upgraded 25 inch Ultimate Bruce Sharks this coming week friends!
I know I have put this off awhile too. But the reason has been a good one. We've just been too busy filling orders to even want to add another log to the fire. And honestly, we've already released more NEW products in the last 8 months then in the previous 2 years together! Original, never been done before products to be more specific. Anyway, we are forced to RE-Release our UPGRADED one-inch to one-foot scale sharks to keep a void from being filled elsewhere. But we cannot work any harder or faster then we currently do so these will be released as Pre-Order sharks once again as we did with the Tow Sled Sharks and these All New 1/6 Busts earlier in 2015. The Pre-Order method for the Busts really took a lot of pressure off of us. Just like the Big-Name producers this Pre-Order method will give us some breathing room between the flood of new orders and then filling the orders. In fact I think we may just do Pre-Orders from now on. Because I can't create ANYTHING when all I am doing is filling orders 6-7 days a week. So there needs to be found a balance between supplying demand and being allowed to be a creative artist too. There must needs be balance in life. We are also looking at reducing the number of sharks that we make from now on. There are only so many days in the week and so many sharks we can provide so we are looking at a system of a set number of products or a limiting of runs from now on. We don't have all the answers but we are researching options. There you have it, a small update with some new info. More to follow later in the week when we can. Thank you friends!
By way of an UPDATE I wanted to address the White elephant in the room. And that regards the overdue nature of the Release for Pre-Order of our All New 25 inch Upgraded Ultimate Bruce Collector's Set Sharks.
So where are they? To be honest they are partially overdue because I was down sick for 3 weeks in April. That's a long time. It threw off our schedule pretty hard. And they are also partially overdue because I got a wild hair you know where to add in even more detail to the first 3 Ultimate Bruce Sharks. Indeed the detail resolution is simply STUNNING! Then they are also overdue because I could not decided which Ultimate Bruce Shark Prototype to release so I posted that we would be releasing for Pre-Order TWO VERY Different Ultimate Bruce 1 Sharks! YEP!! And lastly they are overdue simply because since April we have been flooded with new orders. And by flooded I mean to post that our order volume has quintupled! Actually almost 22% more than quintupled. It has been crazy double-time, and then some! We are still in happy-shock. The reasons given us for many of these sudden orders has been most replying that they are showing support for our family business over Beller's odd UK copycatter drama.Thank you again for all of you and your kind encouragements during this latest hassle of theirs. I guess no press is bad press apparently? Let the chips continue to fall where they may we say☺. Now, this is sensitive but needs to be spoken to, I think. But, a bunch of others have admitted that their reason for suddenly buying our sharks was that they had put off getting one of our sharks for years, but are now motivated honestly because of my slip in health back in April and my impending heart surgery. Which by the way has been moved to next month. To be clear it is not open-heart surgery. I am not dying nor am I in a wheelchair! I don't know who would start such rumors aside from that odd Diva that lives to shovel rumors behind the scenes stirring up folks. I am not in deteriorating health my friends. Nor do I have any cancer. And I do not need any transplants either. I am quite strong for a man my age☺. What I have is a set of conditions where my heart beats out of rhythm around 180 to 200+ beats per minute. Normal men my age should have 65 to 85bpm. Further proof that I am simply not normal... Ahem..☺ But my type is not the deadly type, it just exhausts me. A quality of life issue only. Kinda imagine trying to go through your day with a heart-rate higher than someone running a marathon! But it is not all the time thankfully. And I am still working 7 days a week and 8 to 10 hours a day. So there's further proof how healthy I really am, right? There you have it. I hate to be so personal, but that's the best way to squash the latest rumors. We sure wish they'd leave us alone so we can just make excellent sharks for people with excellent taste. Some people, Eeesh! Regardless friends, we have the most Awesome and the most-collected Bruce Sharks in history. And the All New Ultimate Bruce Collector's Set Sharks ready to mold but we've just been buried filling orders this month. I'll take wondrous problems like this everyday of the year HooooRAH! OK, so now what? I am trying to get ahead on 27 pending orders and hope to mold the first New Variation of the All New Upgraded Ultimate Bruce Shark in-between them. So my goal is to have the All New Collector's Set Sharks up for Pre-Order within the next few weeks at most. Here's to hoping I am early or at least on time with this New Goal. Thank you friends, Mike We have had quite a few PM's asking us if we were planning on having some BIG SALE on our shark products or were going to do something cool or special to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of Jaws.
The answer is YES & No. The honest answer we can provide is that every single day of our lives since 2009 has been stuffed to the brim with Shark City Ozark Bruce-Sharks galore. And every price we have listed is our absolute best price needed to survive providing the awesomeness that we do. Indeed if the big name companies provided what we do now then the prices would be a full 1/3 more, and they would be mass produced in brittle polystone overseas. And not 1/10th as detailed either. If our prices were over-inflated like so many malls & stores do these days then we would have some wiggle-room to come down for special occasions, but we already do the best we can on every shark for every customer already. It's not just an every decade event for us but an everyday way of life is all. And in the past when we have found ways to lower prices we have done so. Not as glamorous as some fancy store sale, but it has worked for us and our customers all decade☺. So Viva`La Jaws, and Happy 40th Anniversary! If you want the best, and biggest, and most historically-screen accurate, and longest selling and most collected Bruce Sharks for the best quality, made from the best resins in our active FX studio with 3 film credits to our name then come on over to Shark City Ozark. Home of the Ultimate Bruce Sharks! After coming back to him and adding in details a few times a day over the last few weeks I believe that I can now release that I am quite pleased with everything about our All New 1/12 scale, 25-inch long Ultimate Bruce Collector's Set Shark. He's done.
He's another >original< masterpiece, in my eyes. I won't take the time to mold him this week having the heart surgery but once recovered he's the next thing in line since we are entirely caught up with all paid in full June sharks! Having so many PM's everyday pressuring for the release of our New Upgraded Ultimate Bruce Sharks I am sure that this will make lots of folks happy. All four are about everything that fans have been requesting they want to see in our 25-inch sharks for the last 4 or 5 years. A most stunning complete set of film sharks in every way. As usual we'll release everything as far as information, photos and the new lower pricing when we are able to and when it is wise for us to. Thank you friends, Mike I wanted to take a moment and brag a bit about how far my family’s Shark City Ozark business has come. Everyone knows that before SCO we supplied full-sized sharks and dinosaur displays for museums and private collectors. Heck, we’ve even been on dino-digs! And everyone knows the 3 film credits that we have to our name. And most everyone knows of the over one dozen different film-shark and Reel Life Shark collectibles that we have supplied collectors during this decade alone.
What I want to brag on most though is the range of people that providing sharks has introduced us to and allowed us to work with. Back in 2007 to 2008 it was none other than Joe Alves Himself kindly guiding us via emails and phone calls in developing our very first 3 foot Bruce NTT Shark. I don’t remember how many photos we traded back and forth but he was most kind in helping us get our first shark’s features correct. After this the floodgates opened wide for us meeting new friends. Since those early days we have been repeatedly THRILLED to have supplied customized film sharks and private commissions to writers, stars, producers, directors and some of the crew behind such titles as: The Deep Blue Sea, Terminator, Star Wars, The Grunge, Jurassic Park, Jaws, Back to the Future and Close Encounters of the Third Kind. And the same for many well known TV works including the TV Terminator Series, Shark week and even Two and a half Men. Our sharks are proudly displayed on some desks and in some conference rooms at SyFy, Dreamworks, Universal Studious and Amblin Entertainment. And in 2013 non other than Cal Acord Himself helped us very patiently get the details on the Jaws 1 Tow sled Shark just right for our 3 foot collector’s version. Again just this year Joe Alves aided Romain Neophyte and I with never before released Jaws 3D Bruce Shark Photos. These helped us immensely in getting our All New soon to re-release for Pre-Order 25 inch long Ultimate Bruce 3D Collector’s Set shark just right in every possible detail and contour. In fact these are the 2 photos that I chose for this posting, that of Joe Alves holding our All New Ultimate Bruce 3D Shark, and Cal Acord holding our All New Tow Sled Shark, which we customized just for him in return for his helping us developed it. I brag today because this has sure been a brag-worthy adventure. I know that we have had our share of lumps along the way. Nothing of worth comes without sacrifice, struggle, some loss, lots of risk and lots of vision. We have had to ward off busy-body divas costing us many thousand of dollars, and pirate-recasters, and several copy-cat artists, a few con-artists and even an oddball or two. But looking back it has all been one amazing ride worth every bump in the road. It grows you up and toughens you, yaknow? So I end this article by thanking my friends in the Jaws and Shark fan communities for sticking with us as we grew out of a tiny basement workshop into multiple metal buildings in our newer functional FX shops. It has been a great ride but the thing about this article I want to end with so everyone takes it with them is this, and that point is that this is just the beginning! There will be more adventures and more bumps in the road but we look forward to releasing more never been done before Shark Products and working many more films and private commissions. So, thank you my friends, let’s wait and see what the next huge thing is for this shark family! Mike & Cathy Schultz Shark City Ozark |
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December 2024