We have been so busy these last few months that I have not taken the time needed to share some of the great Happy Customer letters like I used to post. Max Aubrey sent us this letter recently with his photos; he writes: Hi Mike/Cathy, * Max, we sure thank you for being an Awesome customer and for taking much of your time to share this with us and for encouraging us like you have. We can't wait to knock your socks off with what we have in store for everyone this year☺!
![]() One last reminder that we will very soon be closing out ALL of our current shark products listed on our website in order to make way for our 2017+ Product line. More than a few sharks will not be returning. More information on this in a later update when we are ready to proceed. Customer options are to wait and see what new products we add to our catalog for 2017+. Or you can write to us here and work with my wife Cathy in our business office to secure your shark order with a down payment and work with us on one of our generous Interest Free Payment plans. We make it easy to own Bruce forever! Once we end our shark product runs we can allow no exceptions. Every year we have done this we are swamped with messages from real people as well as the usual copy-catter/false-identities requesting just one more of whichever shark to see if we'll budge; and the answer will be that we will not budge. Run Ended = done. Thank you friends for making 2016 our BEST record-breaking sales year so far this decade. More sales than ever and we grew in our craft to find a multitude of ways to make our sharks better than ever. Providing Practical FX for 4 films and many thousands of sharks since 2009, what in the world might 2017 have in store for us and the fan community...? Let's just wait and see☺. Mike A gentle reminder that we will be ENDING our entire line of 2015 - 2016 Bruce Shark products VERY soon.
This in order to make way for our All New 2017 product line. Some sharks will return upgraded and remolded, some will not return at all. We have yet to have a chance to access these things to determine what will and what won't as yet. Also: We delivered early on our February Shark orders. Some by a few weeks, some by only a few days; but this is a good sign as it shows we are not only caught up from holiday orders, but we finally are getting ahead on them once again. Pretty much the norm for every year at this time. Our goal is to have ALL the March ~Paid in Full~ sharks done and shipped by the middle of this month, if not earlier☺. Also: I reuse the photo of Cal Acord holding his Customized 3-Foot Tow-Sled Shark for good reason. Cal's been at it again☺. We are grateful and Thrilled to share that Cal's been helping us get ALL the fine scale details just perfect for our All New 2017 surprise, >> The New 3 Foot long Open-Sided Platform Bruce Shark!!<< More details, photos and video soon, as soon as we can get well ahead on delivering these last orders☺. Also: As much as I miss providing Practical FX work for the SyFy Channel and other films, I would like to share that we have relocated to Texas and are now looking forward to winding down and slowly working our way into a nice semi-retired life-style. Little by little is the plan☺. We have a brand new workshop and storage facilities to enjoy; but still have a multitude of Shark and other prototypes stored and awaiting their turn on our sales site. So the transition will be gradual. But we are seriously looking at winding down from working 7 days a week, and up to 10 hours a day. Nobody else has ever achieved what we have achieved nor provided what we have provided globally all decade. We can trace it back to 2009 for the little Bruce busts or back to 1998 for the Great White Busts and dinosaur products☺! We will still provided sharks for awhile longer. But for 2017 Cathy & I wish to slow down some and smell the roses more. Indeed, I barely saw daylight most of the 2016, save what came through the shop window! Ah, but this is what afforded our entire family's relocation to Texas. And our amazing new home, and our INCREDIBLE best ever workshop & storage buildings... So with this in mind we will soon release our 2017 catalog. BUT, we will limit how many sharks each run will include and we will limit how many sharks we ship each month this year. Lastly: I want to apologize to the friends and customers who have been waiting for many months now on their yellow barrels. After I am caught up with this month's orders I will be running a lot of new molds and the All New Barrel Molds will be among the first completed! So I am charging myself before you all publicly to get these new yellow barrels out this month! For those that have been waiting for months on us to get these new barrels molded and released we will include a little something extra to make it up to you☺. I do earnestly apologize for the wait on them and our hopes are to schedule less shark builds for 2017 and to have more time to stay ahead of things and to also enjoy life more☺. We also look forward to putting out some of these products that many of you have patiently been asking about every month for more than a year. And, YES, the All New ½ scale Bruce Shark Dorsal Fin will be in the 2017 Catalog☺. To 2017, the best sharks yet, the best life has to offer yet and to everything getting better & Better all the time, all year long☺! Thank you my friends, PS.. Don't let Madman git ya☺! |
Mike V. SchultzOn The Bench... Archives
December 2024