We have been swamped with last minute questions, orders and contacts and had hoped to be caught up by Sunday night but we are back at it again today playing catch-up. It simply takes time to meet each person's needs properly. Again we apologize for the minor delay in sending out order confirmations and answering questions etc.
Anyone that still wants to order it is only fair I include you with all the other last second orders, but in all good conscience I have to draw the line by at least midnight tonight, March 4th. If you still wish to place an order for one of the recently closed out Sharks listed repeatedly below, then please supply your personal contact email address to us by PM and include precisely what you want and where to ship to, and then we will then forward you a PayPal invoice to complete the transaction. This different process since we have turned off the 'Buy Now' buttons on the now closed out sharks on our website. I ask patience and understanding from everyone as we have just received a record number of orders for one week's time. My best guess at this time is a 5 to 8 week turnaround on building and shipping out a paid in full shark. Especially the 3-foot sharks, they are simply an enormous amount of labor each. I MUST close out this extended offer, and all other transactions by midnight tonight, March 4th. There has to be an end. I hope that everyone understands we are doing our best, but it is only 3 of us working through all these builds, questions and orders ☺. Thank you all for your orders and your encouraging and patient postings.☺ PS: Doesn't Joe Alves look Fincredible with our Ultimate Bruce 3D Shark?!
As a reminder we are ending the production runs of the following three items at the end of this month:
* The 2015/2016 Battle Bruce Bust 1/6 scale * The 3-Foot long Platform Bruce Shark - "The Shark" * The 3-Foot long Tow Sled Shark We will be replacing these sharks with totally different & updated variations very soon. Each offering new found perfection and NEW features never yet dreamed of ☺*! We will also be replacing the Bruce Bust soon with another variation of a 1/6 Bruce Bust when we release our 1/6 ScarFace Brucette Shark Bust. Again, the 1/6 Busts will be a complete collector's set with all Sequel sharks represented by at least one shark-bust. I am also reworking the Life-Sized Great White shark Head Bust into a new and exciting product which will be released quite soon also☺. The 3 SCO shark products well exceeded their sales goals and are already considered Sold-Out products. As expected the new surge of orders has been quite large. At this time due to last minute order volume I am not able to promise 2 to 3 week delivery on additional last minute orders of these 3 items. 3-foot sharks especially, are a ton of labor and simply take time to assemble and customize properly. My very best guess at this time is approximately a 3 to 5 week maximum wait time for whatever orders are coming in on these 3 items until the end of this month. As usual we will continue working 6 day weeks to get everyone their All New Customized Shark finished and shipped to them much earlier than expected. We do so love to surprise people shipping early this way☺. Last item of business is that we will most likely be able to post up the All New 25-inch Ultimate Revenge Bruce Shark for Pre-Order within the next 7 to 10 days. This depends on finishing a large vendor order for Japan this week. That's it for now; LOTS of Awesome New Film-Sharks are coming your way soon. Start getting excited friends, you ain't seen nothing yet! ☺ Here is another tempting teaser of our fincredible ALL NEW Ultimate Revenge Bruce Shark prototype.
1/12 scale at just about 25 inches long. This is the shark that completes the Full Set of Film & Sequel sharks in our Shark City Ozark Original 1/12 Ultimate scale. There is still a smidgen of clean-up and detail to be added to this prototype before I commit it to a hefty production mold. Oh, and just wait until ya'll see the new Display Stand....☺ *REVENGE is a Shark Best Served by SharkCityOzark >>More details to be shared soon We wish to release at this time that we are ENDING the production runs on both of our best selling
3-foot Bruce Sharks at the end of this month, as well as our current 1/6 Bruce Bust - March 2016. This includes both the Tow Sled and the Platform Bruce Shark. All three Sharks have well exceeded their sale's goals and I wish to retire them before their molds lose definition. We will be releasing several other 1/8 scale [3-foot sharks] to replace them later including an Updated Cal Acord Tow Sled Shark and of course another Platform Bruce Shark. Another 1/6 Bruce Bust variation will be released later along with the All New 1/6 Brucette ScarFace Shark Bust☺. 2016 is going to be the best year yet for SCO Sharks! For now, here is another tempting teaser of our fincredible ALL NEW Ultimate Revenge Bruce Shark prototype. 1/12 scale at just about 25 inches long. This is the shark that completes the Full Set of Film & Sequel sharks in our Shark City Ozark Original 1/12 Ultimate scale. >> More details to be shared soon! In gearing up to our All NEW Release of our final Bruce Shark Replica in the SCO 1/12 Scale, Ultimate Bruce Shark Collector's Set, - The Revenge Bruce - Well, I just wanted to post a few more commonly found photos from the internet of the various sharks used in that last film.
Remember now, The Revenge Bruce was actually a heavily modified ride shark in appearance. It really looked like this...☺*(See photos below) So, I wish to share some extra photos of the various sharks used to sell it onscreen. Please note the stark differences between some of these sharks in appearance, paint, wounds and scars, water-logging, gore, and teeth arrangements [and counts] etc... Also note the extreme differences in the rigid Tow shark previously posted with these flexible sharks whose fins are many times thicker than all other Bruce Sharks- ever. Very thick fins! Note the extremes in skin textures as well. From various rough grits, to bare foam to water-bloated foam to dried and cracking foam rubber☺. What I am trying to do is put fresh images in everyone's minds before we release so that it is very apparent that we nailed all the details both major and minor.☺ OK then, we are close to wrapping a photoshoot - maybe this week☺ Enjoy! ☺ This post is to pave the way for the RELEASE of our All NEW Shark City Ozark 1/12 scale, 25-inch long Ultimate Revenge Bruce Shark!! Available for Pre-Order very soon. I have 3 goals for this Press-release: 1. To educate my fellow Shark fans about the different Revenge Bruce sharks. 2. To Illustrate my decisions for including and excluding certain features not common between the different Shark Hero props. 3. To properly dedicate this shark as dearly special to our family. As to point #1: It needs to be recognized that The Revenge Bruce Shark's all shared most of the same characteristics. BUT the different sharks were different. Different is not the same. All sharks were once again from the same shared molds, but all built for different needs with visibly different features between them. Teeth did get knocked out [as can be seen in the film], skin and paint needed touch-ups. Repairs were attempted often. AND very importantly, their foam skins were made to absorb water PURPOSELY this time around so they distorted >monstrously<. None of the Revenge sharks were the same at the end of the film as they were at the beginning. My personal opinion is that they looked better the more they water-distorted. But, that's just me. Thankfully our goal once again was historically-accurate-re-creation. Commonly known as Scale-Modeling. A final product that is "Suit-Accurate", and faithful to the real thing. An example I once posted on the original Jaws Board forums a decade ago was this illustration: The difference between a toy F-16 Fighter Jet and a scale model F-16 fighter jet is that the scale model will ->measurably<- be precisely what the real thing is from all angles. Right down to the panel lines and rivets. Measured and not eyeballed for a "look". The Toy F-16 jet can also be recognized loosely as a jet. But that's as close as the similarities extend. They are just different end products. I made my kids many toys during their childhood years, but I have made over 4 thousand collectors' globally the world's best scale-accurate model film sharks all decade long. We do take pride in our created works, just like everybody else. Likewise for point #2: This Ultimate Revenge Bruce Shark is based upon the sharks used most in filming. We believe that this was the best approach to this subject's unique needs. Looking and measuring correctly from a distance, AND right down to details. So, SCO's All New Ultimate Revenge Bruce Shark is based historically on ALL of the Revenge Bruce sharks collectively. ESPECIALLY the shark that I spent time inside of down in Florida and still have a ton of reference photos and mementos of. Now for goal #3: I wish to properly dedicate this Ultimate Revenge Bruce Shark to the fond memory of my very good friend Mark Riddlebarger. We miss him very much, and his influence is very much in this shark. Long story short, Mark was my best Highschool friend. I later married his little sister, Cathy. Mark went to the premiere of "Jaws the Revenge" with me, and he didn't judge me over what it really was. We liked the shark and we both had lots of fun watching. Mark was with Cathy and I on our very first date, which was to Universal Studios Orlando! And it was he who was my look-out so that I could wedge mostly inside this shark for much study and many-many-many photos. And, it was Mark who got that tooth for me when I couldn't bring myself to yank it out for myself. I still have it in my display case. So, I wish to publicly dedicate this SCO Ultimate Revenge Bruce Shark to his memory. Working on this shark brought back to me so many years worth of fond memories. It was a pleasure to re-create. Much here is due to him and those many good times hanging out 25 years ago. Thank you Mark for the good times and the many great memories; and thank you for the screen-used Revenge tooth. We will be releasing product information and photos very soon. The following are what I feel to be key photos that illustrate the differences between the different Revenge Bruce Sharks and also many of them were inspirational to us while creating our replica. Enjoy!☺ ![]() A FUN little note to share, our All New 1/12 scale Ultimate Revenge Bruce Shark prototype is getting his finishing touches and is on schedule for a Q1 release just as we promised last year. Since every News Release should have a FUN photo, and since we are not yet ready to reveal the completed Pre-Order Revenge Bruce photo; well here instead is an AWESOME photo of the man himself Joe Alves having FUN with our All New 1/12 scale Enraged Big Mamma 3D Bruce Shark. This again was taken at the French screening of Jaws 3D to commemorate the anniversary late 2015 set up by Romain Neophyte known perhaps best by his first rate fansite, http://www.jaws-3d.com/ Our great thanks to Romain and Joe for LOVING our Sharks so much!☺ ![]() Excellent response so far to the posts but we still have 3 sharks that want desperately to be shipped to their new homes today. That would answer our extra-early promised delivery date with 100% Pre-Christmas homes for all Pre-Order Sharks.... >BOOM!< Another promise exceeded by SharkCityOzark☺! Now it is time to focus on releasing the 2016 shark products such as the ...
Hey everyone, we still have over a dozen HD Ultimate Sharks boxed and ready to ship out pending contact with their new owners. PLEASE check your emails and SPAM folders for contact. We worked very hard to get everyone their Pre-Order AND Pre-Christmas Ultimate sharks extra-extra early and they want to be in their new homes asap. Also ALL December's and January's - 3 foot sharks are in final stages and to be boxed and shipped this week >> SURPRISE! << ![]() Busy as a bee, but an Update! Excerpt from a PM converted to a post - ENJOY >Yes, still slightly ahead of schedule here. Will post a little update later in the day but all Paid in Full pre-order & promised before Christmas 25-inch Ultimate Bruce Shark & 25-inch Ultimate Sequel sharks are almost finished and to start shipping early next week. No small feat considering this was double the Christmas rush from all previous years! This current batch of sharks will have to sit for a few days to do a little post cure type of thing on their top coatings before packing and shipping. All 3 foot Bruce Sharks are still to be finished, packed and shipped later next week as well☺! We'd LOVE to add a happy customer photo into our gallery with you guys and your new shark if you want to email one in please. Thank you so much for you order and for checking in. Merry Christmas to all, The Lord Jesus Christ is the reason for this season. To Love or to Tolerate but not to forget☺ |
Mike V. SchultzOn The Bench... Archives
December 2024