Hi Everyone, Cathy here
Please help me wish this handsome, talented guy a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Mike V. Schultz you are my hero and I'm so thankful for you! Your focus and determination are an inspiration to so many. With hard work and true talent you realized your potential and grabbed on with both hands to make your American dream come true! Have the very best day today, I love you!
Ta da!! Another BRAND NEW Release from Mike and Cathy at sharkcityozark.com!
We've received an FINSANE number of emails regarding our good ole 3-foot White Shark Meg Display that we sold-out of over the last few years. "Can you sell me just one more?" - "Do you have ANY maybe laying around?" Well, better than that we took the Original Prototype and invested 5 months UPGRADING her in EVERY WAY! The skin textures & detail level is OFF the charts amazing! Having survived a few more years she is older, more muscular, HEFTIER and wiser than ever! With our massively increased order volume I have not had a chance to paint up a casting just yet, but we have a photo of the prototype online at this link. We are now open for Pre-Orders for her; she can be personally customized to any one photo that you send in along with your order, and we believe we will be begin shipping these sharks this Summer if not EARLIER! ENJOY! The Cruising Meg (sharkcityozark.com) |
Mike V. SchultzOn The Bench... Archives
December 2024