Cathy & I are just this very minute off the phone with our lawyer. She had GREAT news for us. We'll know more details in a few days time. But I can now share that we are just about to close the first of two deals that will permit us to pass EXCELLENT $avings onto ALL our new customers involving ALL our soon to be added All New Bruce Shark products!
>>> BOOM! <<< We started these things into motion back in February of this year. And it has been many months of personal sacrifice, copious amounts of investment and many extra long hours and days of labor for these things to start to come to pass beginning now. We are dying to share the changes happening to our family business with the world. We were just told "soon"☺. This effectively moves the release dates to some of our All New 2 & 3 foot long sharks on Mechanical Arm Display Stands. These, as well as ALL our other promised products may be able to release SOONER than hoped for☺! Also we will be closing the production runs on both the 2017-2018 - 3 foot Tow-Sled and Platform sharks soon. I was able to mend the 2017-2018 Platform Shark mold and get a few more good looking units cast up. All 6 of the previous extra-castings I posted offering were sold. I now have a few more, and maybe a chance at a few more after if I am careful enough, but I sincerely doubt the mold will hold for more than a few to be honest. And we only will sell good quality castings to be built up. * So, those that wanted their very own customized 2017-2018 3 foot long Platform or Tow-Sled Shark must get one, or start an Interest-Free Flex Pay asap BEFORE we end the runs out. We do not mean to be so cryptic and vague as to our impending good news. But the future of sharkcityozark has not only gotten brighter, and expanded, but will also benefit more fans than ever before. AND SOON!☺ PS, here's two COOL shark photos to share with you all that I found surfing last night!
Hi everyone, this is Cathy!
It’s been a BUSY Summer! We recently completed our part of providing practical FX for our 6th film credit due out in Summer 2019 -- Photos of those mechanical sharks as soon as we are permitted. Now Mike & I would like to catch everyone up with our plans for new releases! 1] We have again re-invested a tremendous amount of time & money into learning even better production methods and have spent this year successfully incorporating them to keep prices DOWN. Hard to believe that it was way back in 2006 when SideShow Collectibles released their Jaws-styled shark for $280 + $60 shipping. Here we are at SCO over 10 years (and thousands of sharks later) keeping our prices at these old-school rates! One EXCITING method to save EVERYONE TONS of $$$ we will share soon!☺ It is SUBSTANTIAL! 2] Next, we've labored all year to SURPASS ALL of our previous works with these newest sharks - And we sure did. Those that have patiently waited for our All New Fine-Scale sharks will be in for the most stellar pay-off imaginable. Simply nothing Bruce that has ever released is as stunning, as historically accurate, as incredibly detailed, nor as affordable per scale-inch!☺ We were once limited by what reference materials we had to measure from to create our first 2009 NTT Bruce Shark. Thankfully this is no longer a problem since two of the actual creators of the real JAWS Sharks became family friends. * As you all know it was Joe Alves himself that gave us the “Bruce Shark” product-name to freely use for our ORIGINAL Shark products in a phone-call, way back in 2007. Now that's brag-worthy!☺ And it has been Cal Acord and his exhaustive kindness[es] that have helped us get the Tow Sled Bruce Sharks perfected. Mike and I believe that we have the single largest repository of Bruce & Brucette reference materials around. Which is reflected in our soon to be released All New fine-scale 2 & 3-foot long sharks. As well as the FULL LENGTH 1/6 BRUCE SHARK coming out☺☺☺! Not to mention our ALL NEW OPEN SIDED SHARK[S]! 3] Lastly friends, we have labored every day all decade to maintain our solid-gold business name & original Bruce Shark product's superior “everything” over the strangeness that is “team copy-cat’s” knock-off attempts. Incredibly you still see their shameless pirating of our established “Bruce Shark” name. 🙄 Classy... In closing, we FINALLY get the JOY to REWARD all those good friends and fans that knew to simply wait until we wrapped filming for our already PROMISED All New Sharks. Those that held out for superior quality, originality, integrity, and a better price get to reap the rewards☺. Those that wanted to support piracy got what they wanted also. A win-win for all. To be plain & honest I think we are about to make more than a few collectors cry, most with joy. We thank you for your continual support and encouragements☺. Cathy Schultz All October orders are either shipped or in the final stages of being completed for Cathy to pack & ship out over the next 5-8 days. Keep a close eye on your emails October customers☺!
Also: Still trying to squeeze in all the work needed to release the All New 2 & 3 foot sharks. There are photoshoots, write-ups, web content creation etc all.. An honest word of warning though; this late in the year we will only have the time to complete and ship about 30 to maybe 50-ish more sharks, maximum. So when we put them up for Sale we will remind that we there are only so many hours in each day, and days in each week left for just Cathy & I to be able make and to ship so many Paid in Full Sharks by approximately the middle of December. So PLEASE be ready when we Release IF you must have one for Christmas. Also: We have exciting news about to release. So much news in fact that we will have to split it up over the course of the week. So keep an eye out. Lastly: The following Entirely All New Sharks are about to be released if not for sale then at least for Pre-Order: 1] All NEW 3 Foot FULL ATTACK Pose Extreme-Detail Bruce 2] All New 2 foot Epic Class High-Detail Bruce Shark 3] All New 2 foot Epic Class High-Detail ScarFace Brucette 4] All New 2 foot Epic Class High-Detail 3D Bruce & Baby 5] All New 2 foot Epic Class High-Detail Revenge Bruce * The Above Epic Class Bruce Sharks Shipping with Mechanical Arm Display Stands! 6] The LONG Awaited All New Open Sided Bruce Shark[s]!! 7] The All New Full Attack Pose Megalodon White Shark 8] The ALL NEW MASSIVE Full Length 1/6 Scale Bruce Shark 9] The All New Life Sized White Shark Bust 10] The FINCREDIBLE All New, COMPLETE Set OF ALL Bruce & Sequel Shark's Teeth! Cast from screen used teeth BTW☺. 11] 3 All New SCO ORIGINAL Display Stands 12] *2* SURPRISES Sure to blow EVERYONE's Minds! And to boot, and to ready everyone for our next post, we will have ALL NEW PRICES that will be LOWER THAN EVER for the new sharks☺!! You, my friends are welcome! More details to follow through the week. In the words of our favorite TV detective... "Oh, one more thing"..... I was only able to get 6 EXTRA 2018-Edition 3 foot long Platform Bruce Sharks from the molds before a small tear developed. Those that want ONE LAST CHANCE at owning one of these 2018 Platform Sharks for life needs to order before word gets around and they are snatched up. The other shark molds are in good shape as of this writing. My day is only half over, and there is work to be done. Cathy & I Thank you friends.☺ |
Mike V. SchultzOn The Bench... Archives
December 2024