Mal Collingburn LOVES his ALL NEW SCO Revenge Bruce Shark! He writes us today saying... "...Received my Revenge Bruce again the team have outdone themselves. The detail on this bad boy is incredible right down to the zipper belly opening... Of note is the additional wood stand that Mal has for his Revenge Bruce. Our designer stand was meant to be glued in place but so many friends wrote us requesting it to be detachable that we now send them out detached, but with instructions on how to glue later.
Thank you Mal for the excellent photos and share with us. Made my weekend☺! Of note also is that although we are too swamped with last minute holiday orders to be able to build any 'newly ordered' sharks by Christmas, we do wish to encourage that people secure their SCO shark with at least a down-payment before it's too late. Or place an order and take advantage of one of our EASY Interest-Free Flex Pay plans before the molds wear out and we end production for your shark. As that time is fast approaching where our current Bruce Shark Product Line will be retired and we will begin the roll-out on Q1 2017 New Shark products. * Order while you can, our 2017 Schedule is already filling up rapidly and we can only make so many sharks per month☺. Have a GREAT weekend friends☺!
Just a quick update and sharing an answer to a friend's letter.
We are quickly approaching the end of the year and announcing that we are winding down production on our current catalog of sharks. I have a TON of house & shop work to accomplish before the winter snow & ice settle in here. So I am currently finishing ALL Paid in FULL and Due sharks this month. At least, this is our goal we hope to achieve☺. For those that may want to unexpectedly pay off their Interest-Free Flex Pay sharks very early prior to Christmas - I honestly urge you to contact us to see if I can or cannot accommodate such an unscheduled change in plans or not☺. As far as next year's plans I will post in my reply to a good friend that I sent an answer to today. ***** Hi John, great to hear from you☺, At this time I am not releasing any schedule info due to the perverse amount of copy-catting we have suffered this last year. But... It is a SURE THING and VERY safe to share that 2017 will surpass all previous years combined for Shark City Ozark and the shark fan community. To everyone I share one open brag/comment, "Ya'll AIN'T SEEN NUTHI'N Yet!!" ☺ Mike EXTRA - EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT! CUSTOMERS THRILLED AND HAPPY, AND A SURPRISE TO REVEAL....☺!9/22/2016 Craig Butchart LOVES his ALL NEW 3 FOOT TOW SHARK!!
He writes today saying: "Hellooooo. Just a quick message to say that Bruce #9 arrived today, safe and sound! ...And I think I'll definitely be needing a bigger boat, or room. Words fail me. I simply can't believe the level of detail you've managed to achieve. Wow!!! Very much looking forward to building a proper display area to show off this piece of art. Honestly can't thank you enough!! Absolute pleasure to have done business with you and I'll be keeping an eye on future products and updates. Thank you very much again. - ** Thank you Craig for taking your time to write in, and we ENJOYED creating your shark for you☺. If only all our happy customers would take the time to take a photo and send a quote in☺.." >>>>>>>>> In other NEWS today <<<<<<<<< We also wanted to SURPRISE EVERYONE by informing them that we have been SHIPPING OUT many of the Pre-Order 25 Inch ULTIMATE REVENGE BRUCE SHARKS back on 8/26 starting with orders overseas to Japan. SURPRISE!! Now, before we get swamped in emails asking, your shark may be ready to ship out next week too, *IF* it meets these conditions: 1. You ordered one instead of just daydreaming about ordering 2. You PAID IN FULL for your shark already 3. You have already been contacted by Cathy with your shipping email. NOTICE: If you did PAY in Full already and have NOT been contacted by Cathy via email then please check your SPAM FOLDERS for contact or simply know that you will be one of the dozens of people contacted within the next 5 to 7 business days ☺☺☺☺☺☺! Shark City Ozark, The BEST sharks selling globally by the thousands for the longest ever, to the most people in the history of shark fandom☺! BOOM! And a Happy Thursday to All☺. Something big with a burned face is coming.......☺
Shipped a TON of these out Tuesday.
Some HAPPY customers should be unwrapping theirs even today. I have asked some to post up their thoughts on their new shark when they have a chance. We are particularly happy with the new 'Snap-Tight' fin system for the pectoral fins. Tightest fit I have engineered yet☺! That, and all the intense new details; >From the New Eyes to the increased accuracy in every square inch of shark. ESPECIALLY all the *NEW TEXTURING* and wear patterns in the skin. Right from history's photos, right onto our sharks, and right onto your display shelves!! Much thanks due here to all our new contacts in California gifting kindly their gigs-and-gigs of family photo album - behind the scenes Jaws shark reference photos. We could NOT have increased the perfection level in our new sharks without these good friends taking their time with us for the community like this. Good people! And now better sharks! Thank you friends ☺ Now Shipping!
The first 2016 Nightmare Bruce Sharks are in transit to their new homes! Here's a little family photo for sake of size comparison. This release of FIVE ALL NEW SHARKS...
Would not have been possible, save for the patience and kindness of about 52 customers. You see, we could have released these products many months back, but simply have not had the time to run the molds and do all the necessary photo and website work due to the wonderfully high order volume. So what we did was we wrote a ton of customers whose sharks were coming due and asked for their permission to delay shipping their customized sharks to them; so that we could take time to get these New products added to our catalog. The payoff for each of them was a FREE UPGRADE to the new HD sharks and a special bonus gift for each as well. So friends, Cathy & I dedicate these New 3-foot sharks to the friends who made everything possible by giving us the gift of a little extra working time. Salute to the good people of the Jaws & Shark fan community! Mike & Cathy SCO So friends, we have been thinking for about two thousand sharks now of how to improve our Shark Line. Pouring through fan wish-list items, our own ideas for improvements in manufacturing process and just seriously wanting to get customers their sharks within a week or two instead of a month or more were our chief goals.
Of course the cherry on top was spending about 4 months adding accurate detail and skin texture to bring our newest three-foot-long sharks up to the level of our 2014-2015 Bruce shark bust's detail levels! Oh, don't worry future 1/6 Bruce and ScarFace Brucette Bust owners, we have approximately tripled the amount of detail in our newest 1/6 Busts while upgrading and improving them! Releasing in a week or two-ish.. Now, more than ever, they really just look like historical 25-foot-long, worn out rubber sharks; miniaturized by a shrink-ray.☺ Yet more originality, and just the BEST SHARKS ever there was from P.S. Forgot to mention that the pectoral fins now >>SNAP-Tight<< right into their sockets! |
Mike V. SchultzOn The Bench... Archives
December 2024