![]() Hi Everyone! PRE-ORDER Sharks are shipping starting tomorrow! As always, please keep an eye on your PM's, Emails' and Spam boxes for your shipping notice. We are shipping them as they dry and can be packed. ** >> HOW's THAT FOR EARLIER THAN PREDICTED☺?! << ** We will be in the process of finishing and shipping sharks at least until the 2nd week in December, and all are being finished in the order that they were received and Paid in Full. Private and especially vendor orders are extremely high but we are still very confident that all of our provided "no later than" shipping dates will be met on time or as usual earlier than forecast. Have an awesome week my friends. ☺.
We are well on the way to meeting our goal of BEGINNING to ship out ALL Pre-Order Sharks starting at the end of next week or the week after.
Our intentions are to start shipping >IN ORDER< of both [order #] & Paid in Full Status. This includes the All New Bruce Busts as well as the 3 All New Updated End Scenes High Damaged [HD] Ultimate Bruce sharks including the All New ScarFace Brucette, as well as the All New Enraged Big Mamma 3D Bruce.☺ We understand that this is A FULL MONTH EARLIER than the late Q4 shipping dates that we guesstimated when we went live for Pre-Order. I trust we'll be forgiven this "Achievement Unlocked"☺. Will we be able to ship everyone's shark starting next week? Not a chance, even if there were 12 of us. But we are about to give the local Post Office quite a wake up call starting in the next 6-10 days or so. Thank you for your patience my friends, even though we have once again DELIVERED EARLIER than forecast, 2 to 3 month is still a long time to wait for a Pre-Order if you are like me. Because I despise waiting☺. To stem the flood of PM's asking if your shark is the first to ship please understand that we will contact EVERYONE when it is your turn and when your shark is ready to ship. I am sure you all understand that we wish to focus primarily on working on getting the sharks finished, packaged and shipped as opposed to office work. <<< ****** IN THE MEANTIME ***** >>> Please enjoy a SMALL TASTE of what is coming starting in Q1 of 2016: - The Life-Size Great White Shark Bust in Full Attack Pose - The FINCREDIBLE ½ Scale Bruce Shark Dorsal Fin - AND to start off our ALL NEW LINE of RESIN KITS --- THE ALL NEW 3-Foot-Long TOW-SLED BRUCE SHARK INCLUDING TOW STRUCTURE RESIN KIT!!! ENJOY* ![]() An update for a friend that I turned into a RELEASE-UPDATE to spread some CHEER and FUN for friends and customers☺ *** We still sell the heftier looking 3-foot Tow Sled Shark as well as the other slimmer [Platform Shark] 3-foot Bruce Shark so you can still get in on either or both sharks. We had posted that we wanted to bring some of these runs to completion and have since been flooded with messages and emails from people demanding we keep them alive. Even though we still offer the Interest and Penalty-Free Flex Pay plans people are just wanting them available to save for on their own I guess. So we caved and are keeping them for sale online at least until the end of the year or we can replace them with similar products. That's what we have done with our 1/6 Bruce Busts. We MASSIVELY changed and updated the Bust and now call it the HD Bruce Bust. The HD stands for High-Damage and High Definition detail. The first Bruce Bust was a cleaner and fresher looking Bruce Shark like when Brody was chumming. But this ALL New HD Bruce Bust is chock full of wounds and cuts and extreme damage. Incredible detail level right down to the many different historical gritty skin textures! Like when fighting Quint and Brody at the film's end.☺ So instead of ending the busts as sold-out we replaced our Bruce Bust with the 2nd Edition which truly is an all new Collectible. This is what we want to from now on. Nature abhors a vacuum [[and lowlife copy-catters☺and all☺. The Pre-Ordered All New 25-inch Ultimate Sharks are all due to start shipping later this month. We have not decided how long they will run at this time to be honest. *** We are also adding quite a few products in 2016! As you have seen on our Facebook walls the All New Life Sized Great White Shark in full attack pose will be finally added for sale. Also the ½ scale Bruce Dorsal Fin will be added to our Catalog as well. The ½ scale Bruce Shark is actually life-sized for a real world Great white Shark by the way☺. We are also excited to announce that ... WE WILL BE RELEASING RESIN KITS next year! One of the most requested things of all time from us. So fans will be able to try their hands at building and painting their very own Shark City Ozark Bruce Shark kits in 2016 ☺ The Kits will be one price and those wanting us to build, paint and customize will of course hire that service as we have provided since 2008! One of the first kits we aim to release will be the 3-Foot Tow Sled Shark with complete Tow-Frame superstructure underneath! Cal Acord himself who worked on the real Tow Sled Shark for Jaws helped us to develop this back in 2013-2014. We were waaay too busy to release our 3-Foot sharks with this immense mechanical superstructure [which is as big as the shark all by itself] but we sure can release the shark and the big metal [resin] tow frame for others to build the kit! We will also be releasing another Open Sided Bruce Shark as a Kit in 2016. We have several other B I G Surprises in the works for 2016. Let me tell you this, 2016 will be the biggest year EVER for Die-Hard Jaws Shark Fans! Gotta get back to work now. Have an AWESOME weekend my friends Shia Surprise....☺ Mike ![]() I just wanted to share that EVERYTHING is still on schedule here. [[ As usual☺]] November still looks to be the month that EVERYONE that is currently paid in full for a Pre-Order All -New ULTIMATE Bruce, ScarFace, Bruce 3D, AANNNDD the All New High Damage [HD] Bruce Busts should be getting their sharks this month. I know, I know, it is a bit earlier than late 4th Quarter but that's the way we try to roll around here. > ahem..< We LOVE to give realistic wait times for shark builds and customization's around here and THEN deliver early ☺ Yeah, it's a thing with us. So; so far all the various molds are looking great for everything. [[ As usual...]] But there is a literal TON of labor left to complete to get the line back up into high gear. Everything needs a main mold and then there are fin molds and teeth molds and accessory molds and mother-molds and frames for inserting them into the custom roto-caster etc... Anyway, that's the deal so far; looking good, a bit early and we are really having FUN here. Have a great week my friends. Mike By way of an UPDATE we have the following exciting NEWS and solution that we are offering:
We are writing to update all outstanding orders for our 1/6 Bruce shark Bust with an incredible offer! As you know the sales have been so incredible on the 1/6 Bruce Busts that we responded to the great amount of pressure early last month to not yet close the sales edition of the busts as planned. Also, since then Cathy consolidated for me all of the customer feedback and I have been working on a highly updated Bruce Bust to pick up where the initial Bruce Bust leaves off. The reason for this is that we very much passed our goals for the Bruce Bust early last month-- prompting us to close the run -- YET the sales have been increasing at an astounding rate! So, what we have done is to remaster the bust based on the massive amount of customer-feedback then release the updated bust allowing us to retire the first edition. This limits the first run and also allows more people to get in on the action-bust as well. Now the updated version is the same basic shark proper at first glance. It is the same pose and same basic silhouette. However what I have done is greatly increase the detail resolution adding many new screen accurate features. MANY many..I have also improved the tongue and mouth detail mesh. In addition, many customers expressed they had no previous knowledge that the location used Bruce Shark skin’s often twisted on their frames and bloated from water damage at various stages of shooting causing many features to not mirror correctly from one side to the other. The real Bruce sharks often had the eyes, nostrils and mouth corners ever so slightly misaligned with their opposite side due to this. Our first edition Bruce of course mirrored this extreme accuracy. However; as a wise friend told me once, if you have to explain a feature then the intent was not communicated as best it could in the model. So for the updated version I have remodeled the head to have the left to right balance-of-features indicative of a brand new Bruce Shark skin yet to suffer those water damages and repairs. Thus the ‘slight misaligned features have been corrected to a newer shark whose left features more properly mirror their right side. A newer Bruce skin as opposed to one at the end of a rough day's shoot. Both still 100% historical Bruce, and now both different enough and limited in numbers enough to increase in value more rapidly over time for their collector's☺. Also I have greatly increased the resolution of detail and increased the depth of many of the wounds and skin repairs while also spending an entire day just re-modeling in the scale-grit [under magnification] of the actual sand-grit used in the painting of the original Bruce Shark skins over 40 years ago! Never before has there been a 1/6 scale Bruce shark Bust with this much detail per square inch, even greater than the mechanical shark that we built and operated for SyFy’s film GhostShark back in 2012! So, with all this information in hand I have been writing current paid in full customers presenting the option to upgrade to this newer and more detailed Bruce shark Bust for FREE. No additional charge or shipping or anything of the sort. ☺ I just thought to myself that if I were awaiting my Bruce Shark Bust then I would want the newest and most detailed one available. Of course whatever customization's previously chosen also apply to the newer shark orders. * This of course in no way hinders or detracts from the 1/6 Scale All New Closed-Mouth-Pose Bruce Shark Bust about to release or any of the other sequel shark busts that we are releasing quite soon. We just wanted to share our most unique solution to the problem of limiting run numbers while also providing for an ever greater collector audience. CHEER'S, and have an Incredible day!☺ Mike Shark City Ozark ![]() If you are a Jaws fan then ‘Jaws 2 The Making of the Hollywood Sequel! is for YOU! Michael Smith and Louis Pisano have outdone themselves in providing all fans with an EXCELLENT making of book. This is a Jaws 2 book that provided me with at least 90% all new Shark photos and refreshingly accurate information! We are so happy with this new book; it really delivers on my highest hopes for it! PS: Sorry for the Shark-Workshop garb, this is the first-best chance we had to take a well lit photo all week! Hi Friends!
Quicky Update here. Finished all paid-in-Full & Due-in-September orders both private and vendor and now working on October due orders. We are working 7 days a week to get everyone their New Customized sharks WAAayy before they are even close to due, because we hate to wait too☺ -HA! I wanted to announce that we will be releasing info, some photos and or promo-artwork for our upcoming NEW RELEASES. As you know from previous posts these include the: * ALL New Life Sized Great White Shark Bust, * The All New 25 inch Ultimate Revenge Bruce Shark, * The All New 1/6 ScarFace Bruce Shark Bust, * The All New 1/6 Big Mamma Bruce 3D Bust, * The All New 1/6 Revenge Bruce Bust, * 2 All New scales of Scuba Tanks! * An All New accurized/Updated 1/8 Yellow Barrel! * The All New ½ Scale Bruce Shark Dorsal Fin [life sized for a real-world White Shark!], ** And the ALL NEW 2016 - 3 foot Bruce Shark RESIN KIT!!☺ Plus a few VERY intense and special SURPRISES!!☺ More details as we are able to provide them. Keep an eye out here for more info quite soon. * HAppy WEekEnd! * Mike ☺ You know, several times each week we get PM's asking us if we are going to release a particular shark and when. Almost always when we take the minute to look back at the sender’s Social Media we find a hastily & recently created account that comes from nowhere and goes nowhere.
These are "those snoopy types" looking to capitalize on our hard work by beating us to marketing something. And it is why the big name companies don’t release information too soon, until they are ready to roll with their products. However, our edge is that we have the most Excellent Sharks and a Most Excellent and Well Established Name among the collector and Shark communities. So even though this may be a big mistake I will post SOME of our upcoming Shark Releases. These are products that we have prototypes for that are either finished and molded and ready to roll or nearly ready, for when we have a chances to add them to our online-catalog. Our release dates are flexible to accommodate our filling orders and Private Commission bookings. Which are the financial backbone of our trade. SOME of our upcoming releases, to the best of our ability to plan for the future are as follows. Subject to change at will. Based of course on picking up further Private Commission work and of course more Film and Toy Design work. Should anyone try to beat us to releasing what we post here then we will simply plow them under with our well established Superior Accuracy, unbeatable High Quality & First-Rate-Service. And also beat their prices. As follows: * All New 1/6 scale Battle Bruce Bust in an All New Action Pose with High-Gore and Scuba Tank!! * All New 1/6 scale End Scenes ScarFace Brucette Bust * All New 1/6 scale End Scenes 3D Bruce Enraged Big Mamma Bust * All New 1/6 scale End Scenes Revenge Bruce Bust ** All New 3 Foot long Platform Shark in End Scenes Condition and sporting the Most Requested Features EVER; details to be released at a later date with its own Special News Release. *All New 25 inch Reel Life Mako Shark in an All New Action Pose *All New 37 Inch Reel Life Great White Shark in Action Pose *** All New Ultra-Realistic LIFE-SIZED Great White Shark Action Bust in Full-Attack Pose * 1/12 Scale - 25 inch Ultimate Revenge Shark ** We also have Contracts and/or Private Commissions pending for either a 1/3 or a ½ scale; as well as a Full Scale Bruce Shark Bust and are seeking community feedback as to which they would desire first and collect most and features and poses they are most wanting. These are "SOME" of the now 41 Prototypes that we have just sitting around in storage collecting dust all decade waiting to be released. With our new system of Limited Run Pre-Order and rapid delivery which worked so well for the last 1/6 Bruce Bust we now have freed the time to devote to molding, castings, finishing and photo-shooting these NEW Sharks to add to our Online Catalog. And not all our New Releases are Sharks by the way. More information as we feel it safe to share. Thank you friends for making us what we are and keeping us #1 All Decade☺! We are considering Ending the run on our current 3-Foot-long "Bruce The Shark" as we did for our
25-inch Mako Shark a few weeks ago. This should be plenty of heads up notice for those that still wish to order one before we end the edition. It well surpassed all of our goals for the run back in December and we feel it is time to move on from this original design of ours. Due to our extremely heavy order load I reluctantly report today that we are only running on time instead of our normal of running well ahead of schedule. Try as we might our build times still remain between 30 and 60 days depending on the shark and complexity of order. It simply takes us time to make everything from scratch. All vendor orders are also of course running on time as well. But we are working extra hours to try and knock this down where we can as we prefer to surprise customers with earlier delivery when possible. I know that I hate to wait myself. Even though having an actual SPFX Artist custom build you something in a working FX shop is the uniqueness we offer, waiting is still not the funnest thing. So we are working to reduce wait times. Other business; My dear friend Chuck has been gone for a few years now but one of the things he gave me has really been on my mind this year. He was the artist that made and sold those really nice sets of Bruce Shark teeth years ago. His last month of life we had some seriously good talks and in one of the last ones he told me that he had sent me out a large giftbox and told me to do whatever I wanted with it. His hope was that it would help me to provide for my family. We got it delivered just before he passed but he was in no condition to thank like I wanted to. He was a great guy and my cherished friend. Although I have kept these precious momentous to myself since then I am now considering filling Chuck's wish. I have plans of releasing a set of 7 Bruce Shark teeth in memory of Chuck. The set that he mailed me was far superior to any other teeth I had ever collected previously. I also have a few different teeth of my own to add to the collection including a Bruce 3 and original Bruce 4 tooth. With this post I am seeking interest level from the community for whether my family should invest into cleaning these up, arranging them, molding them and offering them for sale? Let me know what you think. For me obtaining The Bruce Shark Teeth directly from the exact same stone molds used in Jaws and Jaws 2 were the Rosetta Stone to helping me measure accurately to produce our first Bruce Shark replicas. They are pure treasure in my eyes and the Crown Jewels in my collection. Do you feel the same and would you like to own your own if produced afford-ably? Thank you all again for your friendships, your encouragements, for sticking up for us and for sharing our incredible shark builds!☺ Mike SCO After searching our storage building I have rediscovered our SCO original 2007-2009 1/8 scale Scuba Tank! Unfortunately the mold is far too brittle to yield a viable copy. The prototype is also in need of extensive upgrading and repair before investing in the remolding.
We stopped offering it years ago as when we did offer it then people demanded the yellow barrels, so I made and started releasing those. Then the scuba tank demand faded. When I have some spare time in the coming weeks I will put the New and Improved Scuba Tank [in scale with our 3-foot sharks and barrels] back on our sales site and make it available for everyone. My best estimate looking at our very full build and ship schedule is perhaps 3 to 5 weeks for the investment in restoration and remolding. It is always fun to see something Fresh and original! **The only Copy-Catting that we do is copying History's Incredible Film Sharks! No other artists, products, animals or even dolphins were harmed in the re-offering of this Incredible NEWly upgraded Bruce Shark accessory! Be nice if that ethic spread around some, huh?☺ |
Mike V. SchultzOn The Bench... Archives
December 2024