JAWSOME NEWS - ALL OCTOBER DUE-sharks of the following kinds are completed and either being boxed for shipping or have been shipped already!! Repeat, These are October Due Sharks only: -- ALL 2 foot Epic ScarFace Sharks, ALL 53 inch Master Tow Sharks, ALL Life Sized White Shark Head Kits of both different styles, ALL painted Life Sized Attack Pose White Shark Heads, ALL 1:1 Teeth Sets [Painted and Kits], All 3 foot long [relaxed and attack pose]White Shark Megalodon Sharks, ALL 3 Foot Platform Bruce Sharks, ALL SCO Creature from the Black Lagoon Busts & Kits. ALSO --All October Due -- Life Sized Great White Shark Busts [Original Pose] -AND- 1:6 Location Bruce Busts are also Drying!! These will be Packed and shipped once dry. All other OCTOBER-DUE ONLY Orders: The 2 different kinds of 1:6 Master Platform Sharks, and ALL 2 & 3 foot sharks are in final detailing stages!! Then they will receive their topcoat and also take their turns in the drying room for 2 to 4 days before packing. The wait time for this room is about 3 days. All these customers have been contacted already. The "Drying Room" is essentially an extremely low humidity wind tunnel room that removes the fumes while they dry. We post-cure our sharks, yet another reason our SUPERIOR & ORIGINAL Sharks will outlive us to be family Heirlooms!! October Due customers are also receiving a FREE GIFT in their Shark-Boxes for being so very kind and patient waiting for Cathy & I to work our way through the FLOOD of orders to get to their sharks. We HATE waiting too! I have been waiting ALL YEAR for a Pre-Order 30cm Dinosaur that has been REPEATEDLY Covid delayed! So I totally understand WAITING SUCKS! It’s AMAZING that Cathy's Pre & Mid-Covid era shipping estimates are coming true within days to weeks of what is shipping now NONE of our suppliers comes close to Cathy's SKILLS!! We still have "The Fullest Ever" build schedule to complete before mid-December. We anticipate ALL November Due Sharks to be completed by MID-Nov --IF-- we can keep up this breakneck schedule. We seriously may need to take a day off at some point...... We've already built an 'AVERAGE' year's worth of sharks in only 4 months time friends!! MORE Shark orders than we have EVER seen in 11 years of providing these Original Sharks and Services. THANKFULLY we are near the end of this shark-Tsunami Historical Order Volume. We continue taking orders but as we have warned for months, we cannot guarantee delivery for -NEW- orders before Christmas. All -New- orders are being scheduled for 2021. We simply are completely maxed out, our build schedule is STUFFED to the rafters, no hours left in our 7 day work weeks to cram in one more last minute "Guaranteed" shark before Christmas. We will repeat this update again in another post later to help cut down on the hours of correspondence that we answer daily. We need ALL the shop time that we can scrape together! THANK YOU FRIENDS. It’s raining SHARKS EVERYWHERE!
In the summer of 2007, our family had just made a massive move from Florida to the beautiful Ozarks in Missouri. We were in a rental house waiting for the moving dust to settle and Mike (with no workshop available to him) sat down at the table with our 4 kids to teach them to sculpt. Everyone had a cute project they were working on, something no doubt dear to their hearts. A little birds nest with eggs, a fearsome snake, a ....?, ... and of course a Jaws shark.
As Mike neared the end of his project it became apparent that he would soon be out of clay before he was finished. Each kid decided that dad MUST complete his sculpt and therefore kindly, and selflessly, donated their clay. An amazing thing happened with that clay. With each little donation from each member of the Schultz family, a wonderful form took shape. It was to be the beginning of our family business that not one of us saw coming. Every Schultz was involved from the very beginning. 13 years later, the kids are grown and chasing their own dreams and it's just Mike and I keeping our American dream going. It's a lot to be thankful for. We are here all these years later - 7 films, 42 different shark products, sold out to the tune of over 7000 pieces cast and shipped world-wide - all from that humble start and those tiny hands sacrificing... that's sharkcityozark in a nutshell. Thank you Stef Schultz, Michael Jacob Schultz, Samuel Schultz, and Rachael Borman !! Hi EVERYONE, UPDATE TIME!☺First off, to illustrate a few points, here are some Happy Customer's photos thanks & credit to James Z. and William. So, let's REVISIT some Jaws Fan History: In 2012 we were hired to create and operate a Practical Mechanical Shark for the SyFy Channel film special "GhostShark". This was the worlds first 1:6 scale Bruce Shark.
We were kept busy the next years providing Practical FX for other films, as well as shipping MANY thousands of customized Bruce Shark collectibles worldwide. We finally found the time to release a collectors 1:6 Bruce Shark as we promised. That was LAST YEAR in 2019! And not just one, but THREE DIFFERENT 1:6 Fine-Scale Bruce Shark variants! 3 different 1:6 Bruce Sharks shipped with separately installed TAXIDERMY EYES. Just like our other ORIGINAL 5 DIFFERENT 3-foot-long Sharks, and the other 3 different 2-foot-long Epic Class Bruce Sharks that we've been selling. We have been at this for more than a decade, selling 48 Original Bruce, Sequel and Real Life Shark products totaling nearly 7400 pieces World-Wide☺! Our 1:6 Bruce Sharks are 53-inches long. Much LARGER and more MASSIVE than those that are now late to the party in copycatting our established Original works. Our ORIGINAL 1:6 Bruce Sharks are LARGER because they filmed Bruce larger than life! And getting MUCH MORE shark for less money is undeniably totally JAWSOME☺! "Bruce Shark", Definition - That brand name handed to us to use by its Creator Joe Alves back in 2009, as a personal favor from our fellow Industry friend.☺ My friends, these are hard earned bragging rights given us by the men of Jawsdom themselves, the real friends of Bruce. Men like Cal Acord, Marty Milner, and Greg Nicotero and many others. Ask around and fact check who we are and what we afford everyone☺. Last note, we are now officially over 5 times BUSIER than we were for Christmas 2019! If you want one then you surely better order one or at least put a down payment in on one, because they are FLYING out the doors like never before☺. We have NEVER seen so many orders as this now. Don't miss the boat. Nuff said☺Mike & Cathy Schultz SCO 10 years ago today we at Shark City Ozark took our first online order☺!
Of course Cathy & I have been around as freelance artists since the 90's providing sharks online, and dinosaur/fossil collectibles and dinosaur displays to museums and giftshops. Before us only SideShow Collectibles had attempted to provide collectors with Bruce Sharks in any real numbers. I think their small shark, which was mass produced and imported from Mexico was limited to something like 360 pieces, is that close to accurate? In this last decade plus, Cathy & I have had the honor to provide over 7000 customized pieces Globally, spanning OVER 46 Different and ORIGINAL Bruce, Sequel and Real Life Shark products. NOTHING like our ORIGINAL shark products, accessories, and display stands had EVER been provided to collectors before. And today finds us a little over 4 times more busy than we were just this last Christmas season a few short months ago. People are obviously home, bored, and shopping online like never before ☺! Another bragworthy Blessing of getting to make so many sharks every day, every week, month, and year all decade long has been our launch into the Practical FX Industry. We now have 7 film credits to our name and an 8th in early planning. All of which has made us fast friends with some of the greatest of the greats like Cal Acord, Marty Milner, Joe Alves, Greg Nicotero and a host of other FX artists, actors, actresses, singers, musicians, screenplay and novel authors, directors, camermen/women, stuntmen and stuntwomen; and the list goes on and on. Talk about how a little can go a long way! Cathy & I are very thankful to our Lord & Saviour for this business and for all of you good customers and fincredible online friends made along the way. Here's to another 10 years ☺! We are so thankful for those of you who have written in to make sure we are well, it means the world to us! Please stay safe and stay well guys! |
Mike V. SchultzOn The Bench... Archives
December 2024